Antonio del pollaiuolo biography of mahatma

Biography of mahatma gandhi

Antonio del Pollaiuolo, also known as Antonio di Jacopo Pollaiuolo or Antonio Pollaiuolo (also spelled Pollaiolo), was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, engraver, and goldsmith, who made important works in all these media, as well as designing works in others, for example vestments, metal See more.
antonio del pollaiuolo biography of mahatma

Antonio del pollaiuolo biography of mahatma

Biography of Early Renaissance Bronze Sculptor & Painter.

Antonio del pollaiuolo biography of mahatma gandhi

POLLAIUOLO, ANTONIO (1429-1498), distinguished himself as a sculptor, jeweller, painter and engraver, and did valuable service in perfecting the art of enamelling.
Antonio del Pollaiuolo
Antonio del Pollaiuolo.